Presented by Ranjit Sahai, PE, F.ASCE, Principal at RAM Corporation
The first revolution in surface transportation saw a shift in motive power from muscle to motor, i.e. from bicycle to automobile. The revolution cut down time five-fold to travel non-stop from the West to the East coast: 10-days for a bike vs 2-days for an automobile.
The tools we use to create design documentation, i.e. engineering drawing, also saw a revolutionary shift from paper drafting to computer-aided design and drafting: from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. The revolution made it possible to extract engineering drawings automatically from 3D design models—an utterly new way to document engineering design. Another revolution is emerging that is transforming the worlds of design and construction in engineering.
With examples drawn from transportation engineering, the presentation highlights the significant discoveries and innovations that led to the earlier shifts and teases out the underpinnings of the next shift that is upon us. An understanding of these shifts is essential to envision the aspects of your technical specialty—whether planning, design, construction, or operation—that are likely to change, and to build the skills needed to leap ahead.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM (Lecture starts at noon)
WHERE: GWU, Lehman Auditorium, Rm B1220, 800 22nd St NW, Washington, DC
Attendees with receive one Professional Development Hour at this no-cost event. Pizza will be served.