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America’s highways were built over two generations ago. Congestion is a major problem in all major cities and so is the state of highway infrastructure due to the chronic underfunding for maintenance and capital improvements. There must be a better way forward.
Robert Poole, a noted thought leader in the transportation industry, examines the current model for operation and maintenance of highways and explains why that model had to fail to meet today’s demands. He draws on his over 20-year work as a transportation policy expert and explores a different model for their operation and maintenance; a model that, when adopted, has served other industries and nations well. Join us for this must-attend event to listen to a 21st century vision that has the potential to reduce congestion and improve infrastructure.
WHEN: Wednesday, January 16, 2018, 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM (Sign-in and catered lunch begin at 11:45 AM, with speaker at 12:00 PM)
WHERE: WSP, DC Office - 1015 Half St SE, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20003
COST: $20 per person (member) $25 (nonmember)
Attendees will receive (1.0) Professional Development Hour (PDH).
About the speaker: Robert Poole earned a B.S. and M.S. from MIT and has advised the Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush administrations on privatization and transportation policy. He has written many articles, papers, and books on privatization (the contracting-out of public services) and transportation issues. In May 2018, the ENO Center for Transportation honored Robert Poole with the ENO Thought Leader Award. He is also the author of the book “Rethinking America’s Highways” published in August 2018 by University of Chicago Press.